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Caulifower  IGLOO

Brassica olacera var. botrytis


Non-GMO and heirloom Igloo Cauliflower are ready in 70 days. This is an excellent cauliflower for colder temperatures. Another great feature of Igloo Cauliflower is that gardeners can use it as a smaller cauliflower, and these plants can be grown closer together. This means you can have more cauliflower faster. These cauliflower plants can also be harvested as larger heads as well.


Igloo Cauliflower Benefits:

Cauliflower is an anti-inflammatory food that has many health benefits. Igloo Cauliflower is rich in Vitamin C which is essential for immune function. Cauliflower has been proven to reduce blood vessel damage and is rich in Omega-3 fats which is important for brain development.


Plantlife cycle: annual

Site: full sun

Days to maturity : 70 days

Hardiness zone: 2-8


Plant spacing : 24"

Row spacing : 3"

Approx seeds per packet: 50 seeds

Caulifower IGLOO

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